Blazing fast community site hosted for free – FTAA

I built a simple lightweight community website for FTAA. The admin can Add/Edit pages using simple editor. It has blazing fast load times (under a second), no annual hosting fees or domain charges.

About FTAA

FTAA (Federation of Telugu Associations in Australia) is the peak body representing all Telugu Community Groups in the Australia. It is an advocate on matters of interest to the Telugu Communities, promotes Art & Culture and helps to foster friendships with the wider Australian Community.

They needed a site that was:

  • fast loading
  • easy to edit and manage
  • free hosting in spite of thousands of page views

I a web developer with 10+ years experience in setting up light-weight fast loading static sites that load in under a second!

Fast loading responsive website - FTAA
Fast loading responsive website – FTAA

Blazing Fast Static Sites – My offer

5 pages – including a blog and contact page.

Add unlimited pages or posts using simple CMS.

Free hosting and domain

Interactive guide included.

Free hosting on Microsoft Github.

Free Hosting

The site is hosted on GitHub (by Microsoft).

Advantages of hosting on Github:

  • It’s free. No fees ever!. Your web hosting will cost zero with GitHub. There are no ads, and you have full control over the content. No data limits or uptime restrictions.
  • Security and reliability. It is the go to resource for developers.
  • Look & feel. Fully customised to suit your needs.
  • Simple content management. You don’t need to know code editing. See Editor below.
Netlify for domain and editing

Free Domain

As part of the set up, you get an awesome free domain like

You can choose to use your free domain e.g. or for just $10 to $20 per year you can opt for a custom domain like

Get a custom domain from:

Fast Loading

FTAA is a static site with no additional overheads. The sites loads fast.

Have a look at GTmetrix report for FTAA – fully loaded in 0.6 seconds. Compare this to most other websites with fully loaded times of 8.1 seconds.

FTAA GTMetrix Report shoiwing page load of just .6 seconds
FTAA performance report on GTmetrix

Have a look at Google Page Speed Insights for FTAA with first contentful paint of less than 1 second and a 99 score for Mobile.

ftaa google page speed insights - Blazing fast community site hosted for free - FTAA
FTAA test on Google Page Speed Insights

This test is used to test the speed your website and can assist in finding problems that may be preventing your website from passing the Google Mobile Friendly test. Website load speed is a minor SEO factor. User will leave a slow moving site and are likely to spend more time on your website if the pages load quickly.

Easy Content Management

FTAA site is powered by a lightweight CMS (content management system). If you create/edit a Word document, you can create and edit pages and posts with ease.

As illustrated below:

  1. Use the simple Word like editor which allows you to format your page/post
  2. You can preview how the web page would look as you build your page
  3. Add images or documents, create links and more
  4. Once you are happy, hit publish to see your handiwork
Simple CMS Editor
Simple CMS Editor to edit FTAA pages and posts

Simple On Page SEO

FTAA admins can add the right meta descriptions and titles to rank well in Google! They can also, add tags to categorise/group your posts.

netlifycms meta tags - Blazing fast community site hosted for free - FTAA
Add META title, description and categorise (tag) your posts


I took the FTAA admin through basics of creating and managing content. It was so simple that they were up and running and able to edit and add content with just 30 minutes of training.

Blazing Fast Static Sites – My offer

5 pages – including a blog and contact page.

Add unlimited pages or posts using simple CMS.

Free hosting and domain

Interactive guide included.

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Get in touch

VJ Design - Web Design Melbourne
Affordable and creative web solutions from Melbourne, AU. I build robust fast-loading WordPress sites for a fraction of the price. Call VJ on +61389867186
Address :
106 Alamanda Blvd,
Point Cook,
VIC - 3030
Tel : +61389867186
Email :


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